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tv   Washington Journal Paul Steinhauser  CSPAN  February 10, 2020 1:43pm-2:35pm EST

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nations like china or russia to be able to do. americans don't want that kind of surveillance. kyle bailey is a technology editor. thank you both for being on the communicator. speemac think you very much. >> our live campaign 2020 coverage will continue when senator elizabeth warren host a conference before that primary election. you can see it live starting in just a few minutes. also available online at >> joining us from new hampshire there.
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is paul steinhauser thank you for coming back again. less than 24 hours now both before the polls opened. when do they open tomorrow, 7:00 a.m.? >> most close at 7:00 p.m. to the caucuses last week for most americans they were back to normal i guess. it's not like a caucus. i think most americans will be a little more familiar with how we do it here in new hampshire. is there any sense from election officials to what they've done in the wake of iowa. just to double check their systems. >> there has been a full force show of force here. a longtime secretary of state appear. get a news comp for friends with the governor. to reassure them that the results should be controversy free. i am a voter in new hampshire.
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that is how it works appear. it's a little old school but old school nowadays with all of this hacking in history we've seene old-school is pretty reassuring isn't it?as >> we will tell our listeners that the networks have lots of coverage today throughout the state. we mentioned the president also appearing tonight. in manchester. paul steinhauser as you watch it where do you think most of the candidates are trying to focus in white? >> most of the population in new hampshire is in the southern third of the state. that's where the larger cities are. it's closest to match his juices. and as were most of the concentrated candidates concentrate. nobody ignores going up north to the white mountains. most of the population is basically from concord south down to the massachusetts line. >> coming out of iowa and joe biden said he took a gut punch what has he been doing
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differently in new hampshire. >> he has been downplaying expectations big time at the debate on friday night he talked of how we took a hit in iowa and i'm likely to take a hit in new hampshire. he have a news conference i was there. i ask him are you writing off new hampshire and he pushed back but it is pretty clear from what joe biden said and what his campaign tells usus they are not looking for a victory here. they just want to get out of here with a third place finish. for biden south carolina was the majority african-american electorate. m the polls indicate that might happen but hey bill, it may not. >> who do you think has the stance stands of the most to gain. the most to lose from the new
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hampshire result. that is expected. he won here big. it was huge a few years ago. he is expected to win. he is expected to chew win. he surprised everyone in the political role.ry i guess you'd you would call it a victory. bernie sanders is also claiming victory in iowa.ct he has been in getting extremely large crowdse. the last couple of days. have more than 5,000 people is a lot appear in new hampshire. let's talk about elizabeth warren. the senator from neighboring massachusetts. this is almost home turf for
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her. the politicians are running for president. and winning here. if she does not perform while here well here she comes out oftt new hampshire limping and biden might come out limping as well. his campaign is trying to get a little thin. if she does not perform here. she will continue on. and let's talk about amy klobochar. one of the latest tracking polls here. came out last night and it suggested that she has surged nine points over the last two days we will see here. if she has a big win here. if she doesn't perform here. it's at the end of the line for her. in talking about another candidate that has been exclusively trans- furring here.
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he has been campaigning here and in south carolina. if none of them perform well here. do they go on. i don't want to leave them out. really rising for so many months. they have a disappointing finish in iowa. new hampshire is a natural place for him. if he doesn't have a decent finish here. what is next for him. >> we love your calls and questions.) the democrats as well. and for new hampshire residents. 8003. we're talking about this just before we came on the air. at least through sunday i believe. 26.6%ad in that poll
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you mentioned there may be one last-minute pole coming out today. tell us about that if you know them. >> that is the cnn poll. it's been conducted by the university of new hampshire. it should be coming out this hour i if you see it because i don't have my computer open. we believe that will be the final poll. >> we will keep will keep an eye on that for sure. unlike the snafus in iowa. cnn is a des moines register poll that is the gold standard pole. they been doing it for three quarters of a century and they have the snafus there that never came out. that has not been issue here. polls aren't always right. here is the big thing. they are traditionally late deciders that suffix poll that came out last night it was
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conducted on saturday and sunday. 11% that they were truly undecided in of those who said they were backing a candidate 45 percent of them saida i may change my mind by tuesday. everything can be up in the air. don't take these polls like they will be the final result because new hampshire is known for giving some surprises. often going against the grain of what iowa does. that is what makes the 48 hours so fascinating. f we didn't see any candidates drop out after iowa. nobody dropped out after the iowa results. maybe that also means because they took a week to get the results. we may see them drop out on wednesday morning. on the notion you talked about bernie sanders of course beat being a neighbor of vermont. s correct me if i am wrong the last democrat to win the new hampshire primary and to go onto president was jimmy carter.
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>> he did at the old fashion way. first in iowa where he won. he just put his nose to the ground. he was doing retail politics over and over again. he went to town halls to speak and have advents. it is a famous saying. the new hampshire voters. if you don't meet and talk to the candidates you feel almost cheated t out. it is a special thing. in new hampshire is very proud of that tradition. after having great access to the candidates. in keeping them honest with the tough questions. there is a number of people less than they expected from
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the expected from the previous iowa caucuses. the secretary of state has predicted a turnout that will be similar to 2016. you have a very engaged republican electorate and we have the wild race on the republican side. they were a little less enthusiastic. the democratics -- democrats here tell me with the predictions. the narrative coming out of iowa was democrats had been saying for a year or two they can't wait to get out there and vote. and then the turnout was well below the historic turnout. and then senator barack obama won in iowa and won the nomination in the white house. we will see if there is a bump here in turnout. we will know wednesday morning obviously. let's get to darling first.
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she is on our democratic line. >> oregon does had one of the best systems for voting. you register when you get a drivers license. they head at least two weeks to get your vote in. i think that is a very good system. a lot of people don't have computer access in rural communities because we don't have broadband bha but i do thik that the iowa caucus was crazy. let people have one man and one woman vote. and not having everyone sitting around trying to change your mind. >> a lot of people are confused by how iowa votes the first round of realignment. some caucuses have different rules obviously. some are a little bit more straightforward.
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it's basically just a one round vote. there is no second round or viability up 15%. where the supporters trying to grab other supporters from candidates who did not grab that. it is a very different kind of feel here. c it is much more traditional. it is a primary. >> i will say the debacle in iowa with the reporting is obviously now cannot a lot of attention on iowa. new hampshire now celebrating 1h anniversary of holding the primary. iowa has been first overall at the first caucus state. every four years there is a push to get them out because there is not much that is diverse. people say they are not
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reflective of the country as a new hampshire will brace for that flight as well.oiha the confusion in the reporting debacle.. what is your sense of the top issues. of the town halls and house parties. and things like that. healthcare obviously has always been a top issue in the cycle. here in the democratic party there is the fight between those that want the medicare for all. that bernie sanders has been pushing. versus a public option. something that you hear from a pete buttigieg or joe biden. healthcare is a very large issue. not just here just the whole country is dealing with the skyrocketing prescription drug issues.prip here voting rights is a big issue. the legislature a couple of years agos, who is still in office.
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have to pass some bills that tie did -- tightened eligibility. foreign policy a big issue here. new hampshire has one of the highest populations of military veterans. that's also a big issue here. in traditional ones as well. and the opioid epidemic. it was four years ago with that issue. it had been an issue here in new hampshire for most of the decade. it became a national issue partially because of all of the issues. >> here in the northeast we have a big internet outage on sunday i believe it was. and i was wondering it's understood. that the primary would be
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labor bound. b what some snafu like it could occur. it requires a person voting to donateod quite a bit of time. and it makes it necessary that they have an articulated reason for voting the way they do. >> i think that as my is my comments. thank you. the color makes a good point. with a caucus it is much more involved. if to give up a couple of hours in iowa on that monday night. and you really need to be involved and make the case. especially if your candidate is viable.
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it is a much more involved system. only 14 or 15 states still hold caucuses.tast it is much more familiar. you go in and vote and leave. >> we are here from mulberry massachusetts. >> nobody is talking about the budget. with almost a trillion dollars. deficit this year. i hear warren and sanders talking about the state. but even admit romney i think he took his money down to the cayman islands. i think they have the value added tax. i would think that would be a good thing. the color brought that up. that is what he is pushing for. the value added tax.ed
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it's universal basic income. thousand dollars a month for every american. it seems like that would be a tall task to get something like that past. they pushed back against elizabeth warren. when it comes to their push. he was bringing up the argument how are you to pay gonna pay for that. it sounds great. with the current budget restraints. fiscal responsibility does come up to a degree in the democratic primaries it is obviously a much bigger issue on the republican side. a we will have president trump right here in the city about two blocks from here tonight. we will be having a large rally. the largest indoor venue in the state.
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he did something similar in iowa. the president is really trying to steal some of the spotlight from the democrats in iowa. i gave him the first big victory. he slaughtered the competition i guess you could say. it gave them a big boost. especially with the nomination in the white house. it was a the smallest of the swing states.ll he narrowly lost. i think one of the reasons he is coming up here. is to plant a marker and try to win the state.of they can flip from blue to red. .. ..
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in years past your newspaper has done the editorial board has done and endorsed a candidate not doing so this so i'm not a staffer there but i believe the reasons that they not doing this is partially because i guess you could say logistics for they don't have a large enough of an editorial board to do that. it is a sign of the times. newspapers are struggling here in new hampshire and it is not just new hampshire but everywhere. there have been a couple newspapers that have endorsed or made endorsements in new hampshire. the largest newspaper in the
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state still endorsed amyob klobuchar as did the sentinel which is in the southwestern city and a progressive part of the state and is picked up three or four endorsements and bernie sanders got one as well. they don't hurt. they don't hurt. i think don't think they have the cachet that they once had that most people now get their news from other sources. >> here is edgar, republican line in tennessee. edgar, go ahead. >> caller: [inaudible] we got a draft notice with a number on it i would correspond back to the election commission and you could tell where they voted or did not vote. another thing i'm tired of hearing about the russians becausess they send astronauts p into space but we had the national space sending our astronauts up there for the last ten years. >> host: you talked about that
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earlier, the procedures, election officials in new hampshire have gone through but what are people sayingew at thee events in terms of in the wake of what is happened in iowa, are voters raising concern over their votes connect. >> guest: i think voters here in new hampshireer, jealously, we e proud of our traditions here and don't take them for granted so we are hoping that there will be no snafus with this vote counts and the delivery of results. bill gardner, very clear in stating we're not using apps here. phil gardner has been the secretary of state for fourde decades here in new hampshire and is old school. again, in this case going old-school with the paper ballot is probably a pretty wise thing to do. voter turnout is always pretty impressive here in new hampshire be it for the primaries or general election and that's the other things the state is proud about. >> we want to remind our viewers and listeners in new hampshire of a special line set aside for you.
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(202)748-8003, jennifer in riverside, new jersey, democrat line. new jersey, jennifer, go ahead with your comment. >> caller: hello, yes. i'm a registered democrat and i am going to vote for trump. >> host: why will you vote for donald trump? >> caller: why will i vote for donald trump because i think he's done a good job. >> host: jennifer in new jersey. we go next to phil in florida. bill in florida, go ahead. >> caller: two quick questions, to the impeachment hearings [inaudible] never understood what that meant and my second question is there's a lot of talk about being first about ila
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going first. what is the advantage to going first that these other states are looking to get a hold of? >> host: good question for it i will answer your question about strike the last word and a minute but paul, go ahead and ask about being first in the nation and why is that so important to new hampshire, particularly. >> guest: bill, thank you for covering me on that one. i'm not a campaign reporter so i do not have the first clue but obviously everyone wants to go first for the attention. the candidates campout in iowa and new hampshire and to a lesser degree south carolina and nevada for a year to a year and a half. the cycle started right after the midterm elections in 2018. if you are a state votes high up in the order one of those early voting states you will see campaign traffic and national attention and through a financials damper it helps the
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economy. look at all the business it brings to iowa and extra added benefit. you are also play a very influentialay role with the vots of iowa new hampshire, south carolina and that is their traditional job and you take my lord of the democratic side there was such four years ago the publicans had 18 candidates we maxed out at around 25, 26 candidates last summer but we helped with all the field in the early states and this time it was marge byrd and 14 states and they were more compact and the campaign takes on a different feel. is less about retail politics and candidates of butter content and it's more about it goes from the ground game to the air wars, i would say. large rallies and especially advertising, digital radio and it makes a big difference. many states would like to see themselves high up in the order.
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>> host: you will hear in the senate house procedures, strike "the last word, and markup sessions for appropriations and what that means is if the device to extend time for members to have more time in the process of marking up legislations. strike the last word, we go to dave in bedford, new hampshire. republican line. republican voter, go ahead. >> caller: yes. when you go to the polls and i've been going for a while you got to show your license to get your tickets and everything and make sure you are a resident for correct? and i was wondering what do they do to safeguard these illegal immigrants that have drivers license that are in the ecologist and how do they stop them from voting? >> host: voter eligibility is a big issue here in new hampshire and if there has been a big
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fight over here as well as out-of-state voters or out-of-state residents who go to schools in new hampshire and have been their ability to vote in new hampshire and these are two issues that have been sticky here, democrats and rob begins have fought over for decades but it's become extremely large in the last four years when donald trump after winning the 26 in general election pointed to massive voter fraud across the country and sealed out a couple estates, including new hampshire. as i ventured early the rob begins at that time in 2017, 2018 when the cold controlled the governor's office in both branches of the statehouse of here in new hampshire they tightened the eligibility restrictions but the regrets now controlled the legislator and have been trying to enact unsuccessfully so far been a big issue here, you do need a drivers license when you show up to vote and that is a must here but you need documentation to approve that you are a new hampshire resident. >> host: savannah, georgia,
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democratic line. >> caller: hello. thank you for taking my call. i am very dismayed about the democrats performance at the caucuses and primaries. theyey should all be focused on attacking trump's divide and conquer methods and to stop attacking each other but they have to unite. bernie and warren need to move toward the center as americans do not understand that we have some socialism here already and it hasn't hurt us. medicare and particularly which has hurt us the socialism that the corporations have been blessed with to avoid taxes et cetera. it sure doesn't fit under democracy. thank you for taking my call. >> host: paul, any comment? >> guest: yeah, it's a good point. all the democratic candidates are vocal when they campaign to the various degrees on what a
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threat and danger donald trump is print they all criticize the president, some more than others and some tried to get away from that and concentrate on what they would do but it's only natural when a primary especially when you have this many contenders for the candidates to take contrasts with one another. i don't think it's any surprise that we seen the candidates especially now in the last couple of weeks as we've gotten closer to crunch time because when the voting begins you see the candidates start to attack each other more vehemently than they were doing earlier in the cycle but all of them say even bernie sanders i was with him yesterday and once again he said this that regardless of who wins the nomination he says he will support that person. t i think there's an understanding by a lot of democrats about what happened four years ago in the deep divisions between the sanders supporters and clinton supporters and many of those sanders supporters not voting for hillary clinton or sitting out or going to the libertarian way with gary johnson grade even
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some going to donald trump but after four years of donald trump in the white house i think most democrats agree that regardless of who the nominee is they will support that amity though i will say when i was out in iowa one week ago i was talking to a bunch of bernie sanders supporters and i was asking him just that is if bernie sanders does not win the nomination and joe biden or mike bloomberg would you support them and not all said yes. there are still tough feelings but the democrats do not want to repeat history again is what happened four years ago. >> host: comments on iowa and new jersey on twitter from patrick who treats this -- he says iowa and new hampshire are relics of the pastor trying to resist the changing demographics of the u.s. but what you say of that? >> guest: every four years iowa and new hampshire have to put up a fight to keep the first of the nation status but here is their argument did when you take the first four concepts altogether in their entirety still talking
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iowa, new hampshire which was phenomenally caucasian but then add in nevada which has a very large latino population and south carolina, fourth of the early voting states will majority of the democratic electorate in south kona is african-american and when you take them all together you get a much more balanced look at the overall demographics of this country plus nevada with las vegas and to a lesser degree reno have large urban areas the soccer lineup that in charleston and columbia sore you know, that's what the states sacred would you take off or in their entirety you get a much clearer look. i would also say there's more criticism of the states going firstin this cycle than i've evr really seen in recent memory. your member julian castro, former health and urban development secretary under present obama he was heavily critical in the last month of his campaign about iowa and new
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hampshire going first because they're too white and out mike bloomberg isbl saying the same thing as well but bloomberg got late into the race in november and now concentrating on the delegate's super tuesday and beyond and he's awesome bounce vowing that if elected president he would change the order of the calendar so the fight for iowa and fight for new hampshire to go to remain first will be tougher than ever as we move toward the 24 cycle. >> host: mike bloomberg is not on the ballot butir for you seen his ads there or seen it online? >> guest: yeah, we are seen them on tv here because most populated part of new hampshire, southern part of states are in the boston media market and massachusetts is one of the 14 states and we see the ads. we are surrounded by super tuesday states. vermont and maine as well. we do see the ads. hbloomberg when he jumped in te race and i've nothing against iowa or new hampshire or south carolina or nevada but said i
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tegot into late in the other campaigns build up a strong organization to he was going with the delegates are because they are not that many delegates at stake in the first states or the first two. it's more about gaining momentum as the states and actual attention then delegates and at the end of the day it's a battle for delegates. >> host: looking at the 2016 senses, white 93.5% of the voting publishing, 1.4 black, asian 2.7%, hispanic 2.7% and the census data from 2016 we go to jerry and new jersey, democratic line. >> caller: good morning everybody. one, i believe in iowa thatie sanders won that election and they have done everything they can to quiet that down. the other thing is i'm listening to everyone complain about a feeling of the election but that
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is because everybody knows trump will win but they are trying to set it up already that he did not win illegally so i could see and everyone will get -- to that. bloomberg, buying the election that will not work either. there will no way people will vote for that.ot he will not come out of it nowhere. sanders people certainly won't vote for bloomberg. that's out there too. the other thing is keep talking about white people and black people. you want to talk about dividing a country, keep doing it that way. keep downing the white people, keep saying how important the black people are and you will see how many white people willl come out and vote. so, i don't like the fact that you keep doing that. don't do that. we think for ourselves and we know what we're doing here but we are not against black people so please stop bringing that up. >> host: new jersey, paul, on bernie sanders following that we noted the news cannot yesterday
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he will contest that vote in iowa. what has been his tone as he hinted at that he was ripped off or he was should have been the number one in that count? >> guest: it's a fascinating story. in 2015 after bernie sanders narrowly, extremely narrowly lost the iowa caucus to hillary clinton h they were critical of the process forever iowa determines by again we talked about the state delegates equivalent because the caucus is the first round of determining the delegates and after a lot of complaints the criticism of the sanders campaign that they needed more transparency this time around and took the ball and ran with that. the first time ever the cycle they not only reported the state delegates equivalent and the percentages that's why buttigieg
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is 26-point to percent, sanders is 26.1% that's the percentage of delegates but they also released the raw vote total from the first-round and then the second round, real almond ride but that never happened before but this time around the main metric which remains those delegates equivalent was buttigieg narrowly edged out sanders but sanders has been pointing for the last week to those raw vote totals where he's off by about 6000 votes. he's been saying he had a new conference. ewwhen he came out to declare s victory and both candidates declared victory and said where i come from, the person with the most votes wins and i had the most votes. 6000 vote margin he had in the raw vote the first round. that is what this whole confusion is about the first time we had more than one metric and iowa. he's calling for re- canvassing and we'll see where that ends up it we been joking here in new hampshire that we will have our
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results before iowa. >> host: new hampshire line in keene, laura, go ahead. >> caller: hi, actually as i was listening i changed what i wanted to say buti i think the most important thing, i love michael bennett, i which he was catching more attention and i wish people would not just jump on the popularity train but one thing that you just mentioned that is the most important thing in this election is every single democrat, whether you like this nominee or not, you got to vote. bernie people, i don't care if you don't like who got elected, you got to vote. we will not win if any group of people sits it outou, black, white, women, i don't care.e. that is the key. we got to get people to the polls no matter what. mr. philbin, i think the name
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is, i'm sorry, i forgot your name but i loved your bernie imitation. >> host: laura in keene, new hampshire, let's go to raymon raymond -- excuse me, raymond, new hampshire. you are on speaker yes, i noticed when the candidates come to new hampshire they go to manchester and one of the things i wanted to know is about the homeless. they can to be coming here and not seen them, they are everywhere. population of the homeless is getting really out of hand. i think that should be a major issue for a lot of these candidates to deal with because the difference between the people that have and have not isn't that much and therech woud be more and more homeless and vets. that's the big issue for me in and it's almost like they don't count. >> host: okay. thank you. paul steinhauser.
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>> caller: there is an issue here in manchester with the homeless. we have seen some candidates not just the cycle but cycles passed in shelters that help people they don't have permanent shelters so that is an issue here. the other place where we may see it because this could become a national story is telephone and when the campaign trail moves on to california which is the largest of the super tuesday states because it has been a big issue in san francisco. you seen the president whose had use that issue to attack the democrats and the state of california but he probably will hear more about that but as for the caller before that let's talk about michael bennett for a second rate of had a chance to interview him a number of times since he ran and your people say they really like what he is sane and they just wish he was getting more attention. i was with him in early december when he kicked off that first of 50 town hallst which is new hampshire tradition of course starting early december and
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had -- over the weekend with john mccain is famous for holding so many town halls in 2000 and in his 2008 run again. the cycle candidates have use that format taking questions from the audiencebu. >> host: let me ask you about the political -- always the first in the nation to report the results and will that be the case for tomorrow night's primary? >> guest: it will, for a while it wasn't because there was concern thatt: there weren't enough people up there and they do not have a town supervisor to handle the election, moderators as they call them but dick will go on and midnight tonight into tuesday morning and not the only i think there is a third and in the general election there is always interesting to see those early results come out just after midnight but the vote total is obviously so small they're not predictive of what will happen when the total primary
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electorate gets to the ballot box. >> host: it will be midnight tonight because the polls will be open and the resultsau of a handful of people voting in that and other places as well. robert and brooklyn park, maryland, go ahead. >> caller: yes, hello grid i think this campaign is elizabeth warren's. it is up to her to win or lose this thing. i think the only thing she has to do is get on the right side of the border wall issue and get on the american side bootstrap on a handgun and go get on the right side of the second amendment and she would look just like teddy roosevelt back in the early 1900s with the big bank destruction and big-company takedowns. she would look just like betty roosevelt. >> paul steinhauser, a lot of steak for senator warren coming out of iowa, correct?wa
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>> guest: very much so. it's not like she will drop out if she has a poor percentage here but this is her whole -- home-field advantage comes from this place and has spent time here campaigning for the new hampshire democrats when they are running for reelection. she had a surge in the spring into the summer and by early autumn she was a co- front-runner with joe biden for the race for the nomination but then scrutiny came her way and people weree questioning her medicare for all plan and when she put out her ideasre on how o pay for it and how to implement it i think that was a problem with some of the progressive wing or base of the party and we saw her pull numbers slip and obviously she came in third in iowa but she has a very strong ground game and put together a really strong organization, grassroots get out to vote organization here in newor hampshire and she's counting on that organization to produce good results. i believe it will be live on
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[inaudible] this year you had all the democratic candidates of their she had an extremely large section of supporters in their so yes she's got quite a ground game here in new hampshire and we will see if it delivers tomorrow. >> host: on fundraiser, jennifer epstein tweets this this morninn cbs this morning on whether them campaign is having money woes quoting senator biden quote, we been raising about half million dollars a day and we are doing fine. who is doing well and not so wellin the fundraising department to your knowledge, paul steinhaus? >> guest: the biden campaign had a conference call friday afternoon just before the debate and that was a question that a bunch of us were asking, do you have theey money to continue gog and they were pushing back just as the vice president was doing this morning on network television. but let's be honest.
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at the beginning of the year he is less cash on hand which is that metric we use that a lot of the top titles but ernie sanders has been fundraising junket and obviously he out on raised all the otherr candidates in the fourth quarter which was october, november and december and pulled in a whopping, eye-popping, 25 million in january alone and has fundraising in this month in february and a couple campaigns have been touting the booted judge campaign raised four, 5 million in the first few days after the caucuses and in iowa and even amy klobuchar has been getting in the act saying how much she's raising less two, three days and this is an important metric because campaign cash pays for the candidates to make the put up ads on tv the pays for thera travel and for them to hire staffers and get them beef up the ground game and get out to vote efforts. it's a crucial metric and a lot of times candidates drop out because they don't have enough damoney.
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>> host: robert, independent line, florida, good morning. >> caller: good morning. [inaudible] i think it's good the states have the first primaries because the lesser-known candidates [inaudible] did i lose him? >> host: okay. robert, appreciate that. go ahead paul steinhauser. >> guest: he makes, the caller makes an important point. it's always been one of these selling points that these estates make. doit's small state and you don't need a lot of money to campaign here unlike california where you need a war chest.ay it's always been an argument and while the reasons iowa and new hampshire say the first and second content because of that ability to level the playing field. look right now we have michael
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bennett doing these town halls and he does not have a lot of campaign cash but other everyday doing the retail politics and he is not the only one with other candidates, deval patrick, they don't have large warchest but the small states give them the ability to reach out to voters without spending a lot of money. >> host: who has a a surprise to the most and maybe if you want to answer this who is disappointed or not lived up to perhaps on the ground campaigning hype?gn >> guest: do you know who surprised me? and her gang. he declared his candidacy back in february, march 2018 spent time up there and i had a chance to interview him but to see him on the stump. the guy is a natural bird funny but interesting and makes a point and motivates the supporters and went from the longest of long shot to a middle tier contender but now it does not seem he will win the nation but his transformation and his elevation were fascinating to
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watch over the last two on the disappointing side and i don't say this with malice but the vice president debatings and retail campaign is not his wheelhouse but i will say this, he may not give the best stump speech on the campaign trail for the largest on his feet in the debate hall but he is very good with that personal contact with you see it at his events that when he's done with his speech he does a receiving line and spends a couple minutes with these people and talk to them and give them a hug and feel their pain. i will give them credit for that and is overshadowed by the national media. >> host: just a little over ten minutes with our guests, paul steinhauser, political reporter joining us this morning from manchester, a day ahead of the new hampshire primary and we invite your comments, 2,027,488,001 republican's,
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202748800 -- 20274 -- (202)748-8003, luna, democrats line. >> caller: yeah, i was just calling to think that they need trump, leave him alone. i'm a democrat and i did vote for donald trump and i will vote for him again this year. i think pelosi, biden, obama, clinton, they all need to be investigated and charged for the stuff they have done because they are nitpicking at the trump. >> host: paul steinhauser, remind us again of the general election at the trump campaign is hoping to make up and eyeing new hampshire as a possible victory. >> guest: yes, less than 3000 votes, smallest margin by vote and i think michigan had a smaller percentage because they
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had such a larger state and larger electorate but this is when the state the donald trump campaign has set for months they are hoping they can flip from blue to obviously as they try to defend the bigger battleground states with the rust belt states like michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin, democrats are hoping to look the other way but those three states help put donald trump in the white house. he is concentrating and it's on his radar and that's why he came here last august for a large rally two blocks from where i sit and that's where he's coming back to that same arena tonight and we are seeing a full force by the trump campaign here as well but what they are trying to do they were execs is flexible in iowa andnd they were able to pump up the amount of people who took part in the republican caucus and they are hoping to do the same thing here to pump upau the primary vote on the republic inside and there is a republican primary and one challenger left, his name is former massachusetts
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governor but he announced his primary challenge to donald trump back in april of last year and appear almost every week and it's pretty easy when you live over the border, drive right up here and campaign but the polls indicate he never resonated and is in single digits around four, 5% with the president around 90% and one other challenger was in just until a few days ago, former illinois congress meant joe walsh went on to the conservative radio talkshow host but just dropped out. >> host: the president supporting his manchester gig tonight. hope the fake snooze which never discusses that is talking about the big crowds of warming from my new hampshire rally tonight. a reminder that is like tonight on c-span3. we go to mechanicsville, virginia. stuart, independent line. >> caller: top of the morning to you guys.g got a novel idea. once the democrats leap, forget
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where they meet in september to get their nominee, once that happens we will have to have a presidential debates. i would hope that the president having the bully part but p woud say we will have debates and sort them out but i will only debate lincoln douglas style debates. take the press out of it. we do not need the george stephanopoulos', andrew mitchell's, even chris wallace asking questions. that the candidates ask each other questions, respond and then you can have a rebuttal. i think this would drive the press crazy because they like to control everythingy . have a good day. >> host: thank you, george. those debates have been set and paul steinhauser, your thoughts. >> guest: that would be fascinating and much -- must see tv. [inaudible] i like the caller's
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idea but i think it would definitely change things up. as you mentioned for debates, three between the president and whoever the democratic nominee is and also one for the vice president mike pence and the running mate. n the president has not said one 100% he will take part in the debates and that is the question going forward but we will see what the president does. >> host: first debate on september 29, ahead of the general election. brad in georgia on our democrats line. >> caller: thank you for taking my call but i will disregard an earlier color and say good morning because it's the polite thing to do. what i was hoping for is that you would be able to talk and explain because some people seem to misunderstand or don't fully understand the primaries are run by political parties. there are common rules set by federal election commission bute that is why things are different state by state and why the order is the order that it is and i
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think people are missing that in states where they have close primaries that's a big deal to and those rules very state-by-state. if you could speak to that and maybe inform the public more about what is going on right now that would be helpful. thank you, c-span. >> host: paul steinhauser. >> guest: that's a great question. it is different state-by-state. in iowa those caucus are administered by the straight party but it's different here. the new hampshire election officials, governor, as well as the chairman of the democratic party have been stressing since the debacle in iowa that is very different here. the election is administered here in new hampshire by the secretary of state's office. it's the government here that will administer the vote here in new hampshire read the rules are often different in a state-by-state and here we have what is called the semi open primary -- >> we leave this washington journal segment and going live now to rochester


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